Orlando Disneyworld welcomes us with open arms

It’s taken me a while to find the time to write to you, but i didn’t want to leave you without an update on our visit to Orlando Disneyworld. Promises are promises, and i know you can´t wait to hear about our experience.

Claire and the kids are still asleep, so I’m taking advantage of the first cup of coffee in the morning and these few minutes on my own to catch up with you.

If you’re wondering whether the parks in Orlando are worth visiting as much as they say, the answer is a resounding yes. And if you think it’s just a trip for kids, the answer is you’re totally wrong!

Orlando Disneyworld is beautiful, that’s for sure, but beyond its magic and ability to make you feel like you’re living in a fairytale, and it has so much more to offer…

Claire and I had been putting off this trip for two years. Lily was too little back then, and although Benjamin insisted on visiting Orlando Disneyworld whenever possible, we wanted the two of them to fully enjoy it.

We were not mistaken. in fact, the four of us came back filled with excitement and new projects.

Daddy, do you like Orlando Disneyworld so much?

The key to our trip was organization. This let us have fun without going crazy.

We rented a car not to depend on anyone else and to do things our own way.

Our days started early. We had our passes with us, we made some special agreements on what to have outside the usual menu (because when going on vacation with kids, you need to make concessions), and we couldn´t wait to take hundreds of mental photographs of those dreamy views.

I would be lying if I said being there didn’t take me back to my own childhood.  It made me so happy.

I enjoyed with my kids, what I didn’t have the chance to enjoy with friends as a child because we were always moving houses.

We visited four theme parks where all the movie characters became our friends.

Lily’s dream came true. She visited Cinderella’s castle dressed up as the princess she is; I felt like a pirate of the Caribbean and Benjamin became an interstellar knight in the Star Wars galaxy.

And the views! You should have a look at Claire’s Instagram posts; she was totally fascinated by them.

We didn’t take a single family photo in which our smiles didn’t compete with the attractions of the parks. We hadn’t laughed like that for ages!

This experience has motivated me to ask for reduced hours at work. Children grow up so fast, and I don’t want to miss a thing. Raising a family is hard work, but when the burden is shared, the odyssey becomes a pleasant journey.

Adventures in the best parks in Orlando.

The best feature that describes our kids is their thirst for adventure and new experiences. We’ve encouraged this throughout time, and on this trip, it took us everywhere.

We took a helicopter ride, enjoyed an afternoon at the Museum of Illusions, stuffed ourselves with sweets at the Chocolate Kingdom (the exceptions we agreed on before the trip, don’t judge me!) and we got up close with the world’s oldest reptiles at Gatorland.

Also, at the Kennedy Space Center, Benjamin was so amazed that he’s now convinced he wants to be an astronaut. He even asked me to get him his first telescope… and I did! So, if the weather is nice tonight, we’ll set it up.

I’m so excited to share these moments with him, as I couldn’t do it with my father. He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m sure that in a few years time, these big little changes we planned with Claire will help him become a confident young man, unafraid of chasing his dreams.

What we learned at the theme parks in Orlando.

I can already feel the autumn sun over my head, that’s a sign that my time to write to you is up.

I can hear lily is getting up and I’ve started making her breakfast. She’ll probably want to go over our vacations again and tell me over and over how beautiful Elsa was from up close.

Perhaps until today you thought that Orlando Disneyworld was a destination just for kids, but for us, Orlando was more than just theme parks. It let us rediscover how important family time is and, as the Jungle Book goes:  «The strength of the wolf is the pack.»


American-style chicken wings for the whole family

Our best memories are full of flavors, aromas, and textures

Disney movies in which family values are central

Regulating the amount of screen time that children are

More to explorer

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