Save up to 70% in your next vacation.


Over 70 countries with resort weeks, hotels, flights, cruises, and more.

Enjoy up to 70% off public rates on accommodations.

Members Benefits

Member Only Vacation Rentals

Resort-style accommodations for up to seven nights in fully equipped condos across 75+ countries.

Exclusive Hotel Rates

1+ million hotels at member-only rates with up to 70% off. Price Match Guarantee + 5% discount if you find a better deal.

Member-only Cruise Rates

Access to 25K plus cruise itineraries to navigate the seven seas.

Tours & Activities

Discover local experiences, theme parks, and entertainment tickets.

Wholesale Car Rental Rates

Discounted rates at over 10,000 pickup locations worldwide.

Discounted Flights

Connect globally with 200+ airlines, including low-cost carriers.

Travel Package Deals

Plan seamless trips with flights, hotels, and curated experiences.

Multi-City Package Deals

Explore multiple cities covering hotels, airfare, transfers, and curated activities. All in one click.

My Deals at Home

Unlock unique local deals and maximize savings through the My Deals app, offering discounts on over 700,000 merchants across North America.

Why Join Vacancy Rewards?

We offer our members exclusive access to incredible vacation deals and one-of-a-kind experiences—all designed to make every journey unforgettable.

  • Exclusive Access

    As a member, enjoy real-time access to timeshare weeks in 70+ countries, plus special rates on over 1 million hotels, flights, cruises, tours, and more.

  • Worldwide

    From tropical getaways to city escapes, choose from destinations in over 70 countries.

Your journey to exceptional vacations begins here

As a member, you’ll enjoy discounts of up to 70%, with over 1 million hotel options, tailored vacation packages, and more—all in one seamless platform.

Start making your travel dreams a reality with Vacancy Rewards today.

Discover Your Member Benefits

No matter where your journey takes you, we’ve got something extraordinary waiting for you. 

As a member, you gain access to exclusive deals and services that transform your travel experiences.

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  • Benefits
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