Términos y Condiciones

Your use and purchases through this Website are expressly conditioned on your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. By using this site, you consent to these Terms and Conditions. VRLLC, hereinafter VR reserves the right to supplement or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any supplemented or modified terms shall become effective as the same is updated. Continued use of this website after publication of any changes made to the Terms and Conditions shall be deemed as your acceptance of such changes.


BENEFITS: Means any Benefits described in the WEB SITE, namely TRAVEL BENEFITS and AFFILIATED PROGRAM BENEFITS being described in the WEB SITE.

THIRD-PARTY AFFILIATED BENEFITS: Means any benefits other than TRAVEL BENEFITs to be negotiated by VR with third parties with which VR has trading alliances in favor of USERS, which may vary and shall be described in the WEB SITE.

TRAVEL BENEFITS: Means discounts granted on hotel PUBLIC RATES in favor of USER upon making a reservation at any RESORT included in the WEB SITE.

RESORTS: This means hotels and resorts that are part of the VRWEB SITE when making a reservation.

MEMBERSHIP: This means the membership of a USER in VR with the possibility to enjoy the BENEFITS offered by such membership.

CONFIRMED RESERVATION: This means the written reservation issued by VR via e-mail containing the final hotel reservation made at any of the RESORTS or of the BENEFITS concerning a REQUEST FOR RESERVATION made by a USER.

VACANCY REWARDS: This means the BENEFIT plan offered by VACANCY REWARDS, as described in these Terms and Conditions.

WEB SITE: Means the set of electronic web pages identified through an Internet domain or Internet Address operated by VR to communicate and disclose information concerning VR benefits and update lists of RESORTS and BENEFITS and make and pay for reservations, which shall be reserved and paid as agreed with the commercial partner.

RESERVATION REQUEST: This means the request made by a USER to VR through electronic means to make reservations of BENEFITS corresponding to hotel discounts available at any RESORT by indicating the type of room and the date or any other BENEFIT such USER pretends to use.

PUBLIC RATES: This means the hotel room rate per night applicable at a specific time, which shall be determined based on hotel occupancy and market price and that is available for consultation on the WEB SITE.

USER: Means any individual or legal entity that uses the website https://www.vacancyrewards.com to access the BENEFITS offered by VACANCY REWARDS.


• USER hereby recites that he/she is an individual or legal entity, of legal age, having the sufficient and financial capacity to be bound to these Terms and Conditions and interested to purchase the BENEFITS described herein. USER hereby recites that the personal information disclosed to V Ror its affiliates or subsidiaries in the WEB SITE is true and correct and that based on such information, USER agrees to observe the provisions outlined in these Terms and Conditions.

• By accessing and using the Site and hiring the services offered therein, USER agrees with any Terms and Conditions and USER agrees and understands that the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is required and is of the essence before purchasing any BENEFIT offered on the Site.

• VR hereby recites that: a) It is a company duly organized under the laws of the state of Florida, in the U.S., operates a benefit plan named VR and has the sufficient financial capacity, experience, and resources to purchase hotel occupancy discounts on behalf of USERS from several RESORTS, as well as other benefits referred to in these Terms and Conditions.


The Purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to provide USERS with the means to hire VR and access the BENEFITS offered by this program.

Subscribing to VR grants USERS the right to enjoy the BENEFITS determined for this MEMBERSHIP, which USERS may use, provided that such USERS comply with the requirements set forth herein.

Both the original and renewed term of the MEMBERSHIP shall be hereinafter referred to as the TERM. The BENEFITS set forth for this MEMBERSHIP may no longer be used upon expiration of the TERM.

Some of the BENEFITS granted to USERS under these Terms and Conditions may imply a discount on the price of goods and/or services to be purchased but no payment thereof is implied; therefore, USERS shall be obliged at all times to pay for the relevant goods and/or services so purchased. If the purchase made by USERS involves lodging services or any other applicable service, then USERS shall also be obliged to pay for any reservation modification or cancellation fees as may be applicable under the policies of the relevant RESORT

The use of any of the BENEFITS outlined in these Terms and Conditions in favor of USERS shall be subject to (a) availability of the dates requested, in the event of TRAVEL BENEFITS; (b) availability of lodging services or other services or goods requested in the event of THIRD PARTY AFFILIATED BENEFITS, and (c) compliance with the requirements set forth by THIRD PARTY AFFILIATED BENEFITS. USERS hereby acknowledge and agree that since the RESORTS where they can enjoy the BENEFITS may vary, such BENEFITS are identified in the WEB SITE for USERS to be aware of the locations where they may enjoy thereof. USERS expressly acknowledge and agree that THIRD-PARTY AFFILIATED BENEFITS may or may not be available and that such benefits are offered by third parties unrelated to VR and its affiliates, that such benefits may vary and can be modified from time to time without VR incurring in any liability whatsoever. USERS further agree that the use of BENEFITS involves the obligation to pay for such benefits and services provided by such third parties.

VR shall be entitled to increase, substitute, remove or change any RESORT, SERVICE, PROVIDER and BENEFIT since USERS acknowledge that the VR MEMBERSHIP does not involve the purchase of any right to use any specific resort or hotel, but it implies the purchase of a BENEFIT plan. The current list of RESORTS and BENEFITS that are part of VR shall be periodically informed to USERS through notices sent via e-mail or posted on the WEB SITE.


USER may not use the BENEFITS unless he/she has purchased the MEMBERSHIP and upon expiration of the free trial period, all USERS shall pay for the MEMBERSHIP.


The price of the MEMBERSHIP is as defined in the VR Purchase Agreement.

The price of the MEMBERSHIP and any other amounts payable by USER concerning the MEMBERSHIP such as taxes and other transaction expenses shall be borne and payable by USER.

Failure by USER to comply with such payment obligation shall result in the suspension of the use of the MEMBERSHIP by VACANCY REWARDS.


USER agrees to observe the following standards and procedures set forth by VR to obtain the BENEFITS offered by the VR MEMBERSHIP

(1) Requesting reservations for TRAVEL BENEFITS, such benefits shall be at all times subject to availability.

(2) Process to obtain TRAVEL BENEFITS. The following is the procedure to be followed by USER to obtain TRAVEL BENEFITS when making reservations:

A. – RESERVATION REQUESTS shall be made through the WEB SITE or by telephone.

B.- RESERVATION REQUESTS shall include the following:(1) Name of the guest responsible for the reservation; (2) Indication of the destination, resort, lodging and/or services requested; (3) Dates during which USER wants to use the lodging and other services (indicating check-in and check-out date, if applicable); (4) Type of unit; (5) Number of all guests to arrive at the lodging service and or other services, including their ages; (6) Valid Credit card information for the payment of reservations.

C.- REQUESTS FOR RESERVATION must be made under the terms, conditions, and policies of each specific RESORT and SERVICE PROVIDER.

D.- All REQUESTS FOR RESERVATION are subject to the availability of each RESORT or PROVIDER. Consequently, grants no warranty whatsoever to no USER of a RESERVATION REQUEST but until VR takes the relevant steps and informs the USER that the CONFIRMED RESERVATION of the relevant TRAVEL SERVICES is in place.

E.- Once VR receives a RESERVATION REQUEST, VR shall verify compliance with the conditions referred to above, shall assess to which TRAVEL BENEFITS such USER is entitled, and shall carry out the actions necessary to verify lodging availability with the requested TRAVEL BENEFIT. If there is availability, then VR shall and inform the USER, collect payment from the USER and issue the CONFIRMED RESERVATION.

F.- If the TRAVEL BENEFIT so requested is not available, then VR shall inform USER thereof.

G.- Regardless of the notice delivered by VR to USER through the WEBSITE of the CONFIRMED RESERVATION, any CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS shall be informed to USER via e-mail. All CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS shall include all the information necessary and required to use lodging services and/or travel services, including the cancellation policy of such reservation. Special charge may apply in the event of modifications permitted, if any.

H.- USER shall verify the CONFIRMED RESERVATION and that all the information contained therein is correct. USER shall also keep the reference number of the CONFIRMED RESERVATION, which shall be delivered at time of check-in where the reservation is made. If USER identifies any error in the confirmation, USER shall report such error 24 hours after receiving the relevant notice. Failure to deliver such notice shall be deemed as the acceptance of USER.

I.- If USER wants to change or cancel the CONFIRMED RESERVATION, the modification or cancellation Policies and applicable penalties shall be applied, and in the event, that such modification or cancellation cannot be processed, then USER shall pay the PROVIDER the relevant penalty.

J.- USER and/or the guests who enjoy lodging services shall pay the rate described in the CONFIRMED RESERVATION.

(II).- THIRD-PARTY AFFILIATED BENEFITS. USER may use THIRD PARTY AFFILIATED BENEFITS in full force and effect and VRshall informs USER through the WEB SITE which and how to use such benefits.


VR hereby agrees to observe the terms and conditions agreed with USER concerning the VR MEMBERSHIP, and all terms and conditions of CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS. VR shall incur no liability whatsoever in the event USERS fails to comply with a reservation as a result of an act of nature or force majeure or any event unrelated to VACANCY REWARDS performance without this constituting cancellation of the VR MEMBERSHIP.

USER acknowledges that any present or future CONFIRMED RESERVATION for lodging and any TRAVEL SERVICE reserved that is part of the VR MEMBERSHIP has its own internal rules, which USER and his/her guests or the person on behalf of whom USER makes the reservation shall observe throughout their stay and/or use of the travel services. VR in no event shall liable for the internal rules of the Confirmed Reservation or Travel service or the effects thereof, nor any infringement by USER.

In the event of AFFILIATED PROGRAM BENEFITS, USER shall observe any guidelines, costs, and requirements determined by the relevant third parties to enjoy such benefits, without VR incurring any liability whatsoever concerning the internal rules of each AFFILIATED PROGRAM BENEFIT operator or for the effects thereof or any default by USER. In any event, any damages caused by USER or by the guests using lodging services and or travel services to the facilities of any RESORT or AFFILIATED PROGRAM BENEFIT operator and any infringement by USER or by his/her guests of the guidelines and internal rules of third parties offering THIRD-PARTY AFFILIATED BENEFITS shall constitute cause for cancellation of the MEMBERSHIP.


Any expenses, charges, taxes and other similar amounts payable concerning lodging services or the BENEFIT shall be borne by USER upon request by the RESORT or the AFFILIATED PROGRAM BENEFIT operator.


1.- VR reserves the right to modify the content and design of this WEBSITE at its sole discretion and without liability, as well as the Terms and Conditions it deems necessary or appropriate at any time and without notice or prior notification to USERS of the WEBSITE, provided that transactions in progress will be respected at all times. By accessing and using the WEBSITE, or the use of the services offered therein, USER agrees with any of these Terms and Conditions. USER understands that acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is a requirement to access and use the WEBSITE; therefore, the use of this WEBSITE by USER constitutes USER’S agreement with any terms, conditions, and notices contained herein.

2.- Industrial and Intellectual Property. VACANCY REWARDS, its affiliates or related parties, as well as its licensees and licensors, hold, whether directly or through the execution of an agreement with third parties, any rights on the contents and design of the WEB Site, and including without limitation, on pictures, images, text, logos, designs, trademarks, trade names and data included therein. Such rights are protected by current legislation on industrial and intellectual property. The copying, reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution, commercialization, public communication, and/or any other action that constitutes an infringement of current legislation on industrial and intellectual property, as well as the use of the contents of the WEBSITE is prohibited unless with the express prior written authorization of VACANCY REWARDS. VR hereby informs USER that no access or consultation to the WEB SITE grants any license, authorization, or implicit right over intellectual and/or industrial property rights or any other right or property related, directly or indirectly, to the contents included in the WEB SITE.

3.- Use of the WEB SITE. USERS shall use the WEBSITE responsibly and with legal purposes under these Terms and Conditions. USER is exclusively responsible for the use of the password created to access the WEB SITE by hereby releasing VR from any liability that may arise from any misuse USER may give to such password or from the use by any third party of such password, if USER voluntarily or involuntarily shared the such password with any third party, even if USER disclosed the password, intentionally or non-intentionally, to any third party, regardless of the means of disclosure.

If USER logs in the WEBSITE using any social network of which USER is a member (including, without limitation “Facebook”), then USER understands and agrees that by accepting access through the account USER has in any social network, USER agrees to share with VR his/her public profile, contact list, e-mail address and all “likes” clicked by USER or by USER’S contacts (or any other equivalent elements of other social networks).

4.-Indemnity. USER hereby acknowledges and agrees that USER shall indemnify and hold harmless VACANCY REWARDS, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and/or related parties against any damages and losses that may result from any infringement of these Terms and Conditions, and against any damages and losses derived from or related to improper use by USER or a third party of the password assigned to USER to access the WEBSITE.

5.-No Warranties and Limited Liability. VR shall make its best efforts to make the contents of the WEBSITE available at all times; however, VR assumes no liability whatsoever if the WEBSITE is not available or if the access thereto is delayed, regardless of the cause. Likewise, VR may at any time and without prior notice interrupt or cancel the access to the Site and/or to the contents thereof, without incurring any liability whatsoever. VACANCY REWARDS, its affiliates and officers, directors, agents, and employees assume no liability whatsoever for any damages and losses derived from or related to the use USER gives to the Site and/or to the contents thereof, including without limitation, loss of data, information or programs, damage to computers or networks, failures, delays or difficulties in telephones, electrical and electronic devices, the network, internet, computers or computer components or computer programs.

6.-Third-party links. This WEBSITE may contain links (hyperlinks) to websites operated by third parties that are not VR or any of its subsidiaries, such links are provided for reference only. VR does not control these websites and assumes no responsibility for their content. The inclusion of hyperlinks to such websites does not imply approval of the material contained in such websites.

7.-When USER discloses information to VR through the use of this Site, including, but not limited to registration forms, feedback, questions, comments, suggestions, and similar cases, USER consequently: (a) accepts and assures that such information is complete, true and accurate, and that he/she owns all rights to such information, which is his/her original and unpublished work, and that it is not based in whole or in part on any pre-existing work or work of another person.


USER hereby states that he/she has read these Terms and Conditions and acknowledges that this document express the agreement of both USER and VR to carry out the actions referred to herein.


USER shall have no more than five (5) business days from the date of purchase of the MEMBERSHIP to request termination of the contractual relationship created between USER and VR and to get a refund of any amounts paid with no deduction except for the marketing expenses incurred by VACANCY REWARDS, provided that there is no CONFIRMED RESERVATION. Such request for termination made under the terms of this clause shall be made in writing and delivered at VACANCY REWARDS’ address or via registered mail, in which case the date of cancelation shall be the date of receipt of such notice with postage prepaid as shown in the seal of the main office or waybill of the courier company. VR shall have fifteen (15) business days from the termination date to refund any amounts paid by USER.


Titles, headings, and paragraphs contained in these Terms and Conditions are included for reference purposes only and shall not affect the contents or interpretation hereof.


In the event any judicial or administrative authority determines that any section, paragraph, or provision of these Terms and Conditions is null and void, the remaining sections, paragraphs, and provisions shall continue in full force and effect for the parties.


These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida in the USA. USER hereby states to be aware of the scope of these Terms and Conditions and that they constitute the faithful expression of his/her will and concerning any breach or interpretation, then USER agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Laws and Courts of State of Florida, waiving any other jurisdiction USER may be entitled to because of his/her present or future domiciles or because of the location of USER’S property, or his/her nationality To the extent permitted by applicable law, no complaint, claim or cause of action relating to access to or use of this Site shall be filed later than one (1) year after the date such complaint, claim or action is filed.

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